When trying to stop the sugar cravings it is better to start out by not depriving the body of all sugar, but instead cutting back on the amount of sugar that is normally consumed. Eat only half of the amount and allow the body to feel like it is still getting that enjoyment to some degree. Another way to still get the sugar, but through a better source is by combining a sweet treat with fresh fruit. This can satisfy the craving, while reducing the amount of sugar that is consumed and the fruit will provide healthy vitamins and minerals to the body. Some individuals find that going cold turkey is the most effective way to cut simple sugars from their diet. Although this can be difficult for the first couple of days, afterwards the cravings will diminish. Studies show that chewing gum can also help reduce food cravings. Keeping gum on hand and choosing this instead of sweets can help curve cravings. On the other hand, having fresh fruit nearby can satisfy sweet cravings and will provide nutrients and fiber for maintaining a healthy body. Foods such as seeds, nuts, and dried fruits are also good sources for reducing sweet cravings.
Other ways to reduce sugar cravings is to do something that takes the mind off the sweets. Taking a walk or a drive can be effective as the change in scenery often causes the mind to forget about the craving. Eating regularly can also ward off those sugar cravings. Going without eating for long periods can cause an individual to be set up for choosing a sweet treat. Eating small frequent healthy meals keeps blood sugar levels stable and can help avoid choosing sugary foods. If the craving is so strong that an individual cannot resist eating something sweet, try to choose a small amount of a high quality chocolate or a mini-candy bar. This will help prevent overeating of sweets while satisfying the craving.

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